

Hyland's, Defend, Cold + Mucus, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

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  • Homeopathic
  • 床的世界

  • Non-Drowsy

  • Expectorant - Thins & Loosens Mucus in Chest, Throat and Nose

  • Natural, Safe & Effective Relief of: Cough with Mucus

  • Nasal & Chest Congestion

  • 床的世界
  • Dye Free

  • Sugar Free

  • Less Than 0.1% Alcohol

  • Works with Your Body's Natural Healing Process

  • 髮旺旺
  • Natural Active Ingredients

  • No Known Drug Interactions

  • Non-Habit Forming

Take Hyland's Defend Cold+Mucus at the first signs of a cold.

Uses:髮旺旺colorCode=71">無痕褲 Temporarily relives symptoms of colds, including accumulation of mucus in chest, throat and nose; cough with expectoration of thick, discolored mucus; runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion.

Hyland's, Defend, Cold + Mucus, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

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